Bees for Beginners

Common Types of Bees

Bee Species Key
Habitats &
Honeybees Lives in hives with queen, workers, drones. Produce honey. Managed hives, some feral hives. Social, coordinate hive activities. High, crucial for agriculture and honey industry.
Bumblebees Larger, furry bees. Live in small colonies with queen. Underground nests, grasslands. Social, but small colonies. Significant, especially for greenhouse crops.
Carpenter Bees Solitary bees that tunnel into wood to nest. Wood structures, trees, fences. Solitary nesters. Mixed; beneficial for pollination, but can cause structural damage.
Mason Bees Solitary bees that use mud or leaves to make nest cells. Natural cavities like hollow stems. Solitary nesters. Positive, used in orchard pollination, low maintenance.
Leafcutter Bees Solitary bees that cut leaf pieces to line nests. Nests in cavities. Solitary nesters. Positive, effective pollinators with minimal damage to plants.
Blue Orchard Bees Solidary bees, specialized for fruit tree pollination. Nests in cavities. Solitary nesters. Very positive, efficient in orchard pollination, reducing need for honeybee rental.
Mining Bees Solitary ground-nesting bees. Underground nesters. Solitary nesters. Positive, enhance pollination diversity and effectiveness, especially in natural ecosystems.
Rectangle Area of bushes Rectangle Area of bushes
Bees love these flowering bushes
Water source for bees Water source for bees
Springfed water source for bees