A Fantastic Resource For Beginning Bloggers Like Me
This week, while looking for topic items for my individual PowerPoint presentation, I came across the perfect website for me! Before I started this class, I had never blogged, let alone read a person’s blog. Now being drug into the 21st century and the current social norm of blogging and not being very good at it yet, I am really glad I came across this site called ProBlogger.
In checking out the site, it is not only perfect for me a newbie that needs more knowledge in putting together a better blog, but also for anyone else that wants to create a better overall blog page. The site has a blog (of course), podcast, books, ebooks, jobs, how to make money, video posts, instructional articles, resources, and more.
Since 2004, ProBlogger has been the home for bloggers wanting to create and grow their blogs, and then go professional to make money blogging. They’ve got over 8,000 posts with blogging advice, tips, and in-depth tutorials alongside the latest blogging trends. Check out their link: https://problogger.com/

WordPress Problems/Challenges
I was having extreme difficulty uploading images to my WP blog, so much so, that I even downloaded a new install of it. Lo and behold, guess what? Even though I had a new install and tried to upload a .jpg image, I again got an error message that there was a “missing temporary file”. I took a chance and went directly to the website where I had copied the image from and right clicked and pasted in the URL box in the upload image dialog box and guess what? The picture booted in! Now my new problem is that now I need to research how to resize images and learn how to place them at different spots on my page.
LSC Crochet Club
This week there was a new student that came the Crochet Club. She is a student working on her AA degree. She is also a beginning crocheter. Another member mentioned that she likes making projects where she can get “instant gratification”. I have a couple of patterns for ‘jiffy knit’ yarn that she may be interested in that I will bring to the next meeting. I also mentioned to another member (who is a PSEO student) who was having difficulty with knotted yarn, that I would show her how to reverse wind yarn so that she could “see” if it has any knots in the skein prior to starting a project and how to rewind the skein so that she could pull yarn from the middle easier than factory wound skeins.
Asher Update
Asher is my grandson. He is now 4 1/2 months old. I got to see him this weekend. He can roll over from stomach to back now. He is also starting to profusely drool, so teeth are on their way. Of course, I took all sorts of cute pictures! I’ll try to figure out for next week’s blog how to get pictures from my phone to my blog. I’ll see. Everything I learn is still such a struggle.
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