I have been doing fibercrafting for over 60 years. Basically, it was out of necessity. My mother became a widow at age 36 with four children. I’m the oldest child. I quickly realized that being the oldest, I had to provide more and more for myself while she concentrated on providing for the younger ones.
My grandmother taught me a bit about crocheting, but I soon took up and taught myself knitting as I found more patterns for hats, mittens, scarves, socks, etc. than I did for crocheting patterns. I made items first for myself, then for my younger siblings. I also taught myself to sew on a Singer treadle sewing machine and made myself new clothes for school as the other kids would make fun of me when I would start a new school year and not have anything new to wear.
Throughout my whole life, I’ve been fibercrafting for myself, family, friends, for gifts, special occasions, etc. I also taught myself how to spin, weave, and am an amateur beekeeper. So as I’m growing up and drawing to a close with my professional work life, I’m looking forward to starting a side hustle business to live comfortably while in retirement. Hence: Loopy Lady – Fibercrafting Etc.
Loopy Lady – Fibercrafting Etc.
2315 E 10th Street – Superior, WI 54880 – 715-398-3143 –