Blog Post for Week of October 22, 2024

Unexpected Promotion

It was just another unseasonably warm Fall week with not too much happening until I received an email asking if I would possibly consider being the interim advisor for the newly formed LSC Crochet Club. My temporary assignment would be effective until there was a faculty person who would be able to take over as the regular advisor.

I was thrilled and delighted that my background as a “fiber crafter” had been recognized! I shot off an email immediately indicating that “yes, I was honored to be the interim advisor”. I also mentioned that I had what it took to keep the members “in stitches” (I hoped she pardoned my pun).

This past Friday was the first meeting that was held from 2:00-4:00 PM. There were three students and myself. I met Julia (who was working on pink Christmas ornaments for her tree), Haley (who was working on a sweater), and Alexis (who was sewing together crocheted squares for a vest). I had brought some cotton Christmas colored yarn and started a double hot pad with a size H hook.

Unexpected Gift Suggestion

There was very little conversation. It was very relaxing. First Haley left, but before she did, she shared that she obtained a crafting journal at an Amish shop in Hayward, WI. She elaborated a bit about other items available there including other types of journals. I’m glad that she mentioned about a craft journal that she purchased. Christmas is coming, and that type of item would make a great Christmas gift for a couple of family members.

By the time 3:55 PM came, Alexis and I were left. She had made great progress on her vest. I had completed approximately a quarter of my hot pad. I’m looking forward to the meeting next Friday where I hope to complete another quarter of my project. I hope Haley remembers the name of that shop. I’d like to obtain a copy or two of the craft journal for gifts.

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