Little Blue Deer website – critique
Visiting the various websites for Assignment 3 this past week was very interesting and informative. One of the sites that I found most informative was “Little Blue Deer”. They had a link: WORDPRESS TUTORIALS. Being curious, I clicked it to see what tutorials they had available. To my pleasant surprise, they had 67 different tutorials!
The have 67 different tiles all with the same image and type font. They have no index. So in order to see what different tutorials there are, you have to scroll and scroll and scroll because the size of the tiles is rather large. The page of tutorials are in a format of three (3) tiles across which results in thirty three (33) rows of tiles to scroll through. The font of the titles is in Times New Roman (or something similar). If that wasn’t enough, the titles are all in CAPITAL LETTERS which was not very easy to read after the first few tiles, and tired my eyes very quickly. There is also a very annoying mouse-following brown dot to contend with too.
I clicked on “How to Add a Featured Image in WordPress”. Once the page opened, I noticed that either the tile wasn’t sized right or that the title wasn’t sized right as the title wasn’t scaled to be visible within the image block. The tutorial information wasn’t readily seen as I had to scroll down through some of their advertisements before getting to the information that I wanted. Again, the fonts used were questionable with too much advertising. However, I did find the following information and it is summarized below:
- Scroll down to the featured image area
- Click on Set Featured Image link
- Click on Upload Files or select a new image or select an existing image from the Media Library link
- Click the Set featured image button. You can also remove and replace there.
- Update or publish your post or page
- Featured image is used in latest post thumbnails
- Featured image is also used in post excerpts on homepage of blog
- If have a slider or other recent/related posts widget, the Featured Image will be the image that appears in the slider or widget.
- After uploading Featured Image, click Crop Featured Image button
- Can also install a plugin called Crop Thumbnails. Once installed, and image
- uploaded, see button that says Crop Featured Image. Click button.
- Select image that want to crop from list. Click & drag highlight box to size. Click
- X in upper right corner to exit.
Search for other tips on my blog.